Liechtenstein address format & examples
How to write a Liechtensteiner address
If you plan to send a letter or package to someone in the tiny yet picturesque country of Liechtenstein, you’ll need to know how to correctly write a Liechtensteiner address. Liechtenstein, nestled between Switzerland and Austria, is known for its high standards in precision and efficiency. So, obviously, getting the Liechtenstein address format right is crucial if you want to fit in.
Below, we’ve provided several examples of Liechtenstein addresses and specific guidelines to help you understand the format. By following these steps, you’ll no longer be wondering how to write a Liechtensteiner address, ensuring that your mail arrives promptly.
- Addressee line – The recipient’s full name.
- Street name and building number – The street name is listed first on the first address line, followed by the building or unit number.
- The postal code and city - The city or town is listed on the 2nd address line, right after the 4-digit postal code.
- Country – Don't forget the country name, which can be written as LIE.

Liechtenstein address examples
Ap. 8 Heiligkreuz 44 9490 Vaduz LIE
Austrasse 59 Postfach 1528 9490 Vaduz LIE
Städtle 43 9490 Vaduz
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Balzers - BZ Eschen - ES Gamprin - GA Mauren - MA Planken - PL Ruggell - RU Schaan - SC Schellenberg - SL Triesen - TR Triesenberg - TG Vaduz - VD
Liechtensteinische Post
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
Liechtenstein, though small, has much to offer, from its scenic Alps to its unique governance as a constitutional monarchy. For those looking for further information on this principality, Smarty provides detailed data on population data, ISO codes, and more.
Population information
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