Germany address examples & format
How to write a German address
German address format got you going, “Hä?” Not to fear. Smarty is here to explain exactly how to address a letter to your friends and customers in Germany. You can look at our geil sample German address examples here and try our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Germany below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate it blitzschnell. That’s German slang for really fast.
Now, let's get into it with the basics. The German address format for shipping or mailing addresses should be written in all capital letters as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's name.
- Street house and house number - It should be these 2 items listed in this order forgoing any punctuation marks unless secondary address information is required (e.g. apartment number). Apartment numbers should appear after the street name separated by 2 forward slashes and spaces (e.g. street + number / / apartment number).
- Postal code and city - The postal code goes before the city in this instance and is not spearated by commas or other punctuation.
- COUNTRY - DEU, in all caps.
Germany address examples
Kapersburgstr. 9
61191 Rosbach
Danziger Str. 12A
10435 Berlin
Postfach 2
06196 Wettin-Löbejün
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Baden-Württemberg - BW
Bavaria - BY
Berlin - BE
Brandenburg - BB
Bremen - HB
Hamburg - HH
Hesse - HE
Lower Saxony - NI
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - MV
North Rhine-Westphalia - NW
Rhineland-Palatinate - RP
Saarland - SL
Saxony - SN
Saxony-Anhalt - ST
Schleswig-Holstein - SH
Thuringia - TH
Deutsche Post
Country information
Get ready to explore interesting intricacies of Germany’s letter address format.