Estonia address format & examples
How to write an Estonian address
Estnoia is famous for being the first country to offer e-residency, a program that allows non-Estonians to access Estonia's e-services like banking and taxes from anywhere in the world. Estonia is also famous for its countyside being over 50% covered by forests. And lastly, Estonia is famous for its address format. Ok, not really with that last one, but we're here to tell you how to address a letter to Estonia. We've selected an Estonian address example for you to follow.
Smarty is the best source for trustworthy location data. Simply enter any Esstonian address and get it returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can type “Estonia.” Estonia’s address format can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Street and building number - List one after the other without any separating punctuation.
- Postal code and city - List one after the other without any separating punctuation.
- Postal code - The postal code goes on its own line.
- Country - Write EST in all caps.

Estonia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Harju County (HAR)
Hiiu County (HII)
Ida-Viru County (IVR)
Jõgeva County (JOG)
Järva County (JRV)
Lääne County (LAE)
Lääne-Viru County (LVI)
Põlva County (POL)
Pärnu County (PÄR)
Rapla County (RAP)
Saare County (SAR)
Tartu County (TAR)
Valga County (VAL)
Viljandi County (VIL)
Võru County (VÕR)
Country information
We know you're excited for more location information on Estonia. Below, you'll find information like ISO codes, major cities, and more to get you started on learning more about Estonia’s addresses.
Population information
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