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US Master Address List

The ultimate cosmic list of 210+ million verified addresses, each with a persistent unique identifier and available at the national, state, or county level.
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Try 16,000 addresses free

See the data points you can get for each address.

Right size your address list

Get a national, state, or county address list.

Explore custom US Master Address List plans

Dial in your ideal list by geography and the following data points to match your mojo.
Data pointData DescriptionBasicPremiumPremium+
SmartyKey®Persistent, unique identifier for an address. An address will retain its SmartyKey, even in the case of aliases and street name changes, and different addresses are guaranteed to have different SmartyKey values.
First lineContains the delivery line (street address). This can include the composition of a primary number, street name, suffix, predirection, postdirection, secondary designator, and secondary number.
CityThe USPS-preferred city name for this particular address.
StateThe two-letter state abbreviation.
ZIP5The 5-digit ZIP code.
ZIP+4 CodeThe 4-digit add-on code.
County nameThe name of the county for the address
County FIPSThe 5-digit county Federal Information Processing Series code. It combines a 2-digit state FIPS code and a 3-digit county code managed by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute).
RDIResidential Delivery Indicator. Indicates whether an address is residential or commercial (according to USPS).
SDP tagSingle Delivery Point address status. Many distinct addresses can share a delivery point, such as a loft or basement apartment. These have their own distinct address.
AliasSome locations can be referred to by several distinct street addresses. We designate the most recent and accurate address as “default” and all others are “aliases.” Aliases share the same SmartyKey as the default address to help you with database management.
Link to parent addressSecondary addresses have a parent address. This field will display the SmartyKey of the parent address or be blank if there is no parent address.
Contains secondaryWhether an address has secondary values at its location.
Amount of secondariesHow many distinct secondary addresses exist at the location.
SecondaryWhether an address is a secondary address.
Secondary designatorDescribes the location within a complex/building (ste, apt, etc.)
Primary numberThe house, PO Box, or building number.
PredirectionDirectional information before a street name (N, SW, etc.)
Street nameThe name of the street in each address.
Street suffixAbbreviated value describing the street (St, Ave, Blvd, etc.)
PostdirectionDirectional information after a street name (N, SW, etc.)
Secondary numberApartment, suite, or office number, if any.
LatitudeA geographic coordinate that defines the north-south position of a point on Earth's surface.
LongitudeA geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Geocode precisionIndicates the precision of the latitude and longitude values. Learn more.
Census block codeA 15-digit numerical code that identifies the block within a census tract.
Non-USPS addressesMillions of addresses not included in the USPS database.
Elevate your address list with Smarty

Harness the power of comprehensive data


Get every single address

Score the ultimate comprehensive list of verified addresses in the US, ensuring all-encompassing coverage.

Access 20 million non-USPS addresses

Go beyond the 210+ million USPS addresses and tap into an additional 20 million non-USPS locations, broadening your reach to real-world living and working spaces.

Count on verified accuracy

Rely on Smarty’s unmatched precision; every address in the master address list is verified to be accurate and real.

Leverage a persistent unique identifier (PUID)

Revolutionize data management with a SmartyKey® PUID for every address, enhancing data accuracy and simplifying complex address relationships..
Data connections

Analyze address relationships

Track and manage multiple associated addresses with our detailed breakdown of primary and secondary (parent and child) address connections, crucial for precise reporting and analytics.

Discover more opportunities

Visualize locations via the mapping platform of your choice and unlock possibilities like a boss.

Improve data management

Deduplicate and blend data based on the address for improved analysis and decision-making.

Expand analysis capabilities

Leverage the highest-quality address data to power superior multi-unit analysis, saturation insights, and market research, securing a competitive edge in your market.

Get industry-leading awesomeness

Verified US addresses
Non-USPS addresses
Persistent unique identifier for every address
Free trial addresses to test it out

Did we mention?

Unlimited, unmatched, free support

When you reach out to our Support Team, they answer promptly. And Smarty's Support Team is made up of experts — no novices, no phone trees, and no time-wasting scripts. Try us, and we think you'll agree our unlimited, no-cost support is better than other companies' paid support. Smarty support: powered by real intelligence.

Simple terms

Our terms and conditions are straightforward and easy to understand, and we try to keep revisions to a minimum.

Leading value with transparent pricing

Get straightforward pricing with no setup fees, commitments, or gimmicks. You can choose from flexible plans, including unlimited processing. Smarty's industry-leading value improves your bottom line without hidden fees or unwelcome surprises. Smiles only.
Demo of GeoReference data

What our customers are saying

A woman in blue activewear seated and posing, and a man in a light green shirt and yellow shorts jumping beside her, both in a peach-colored room.
Smarty's comprehensive address intelligence services will bolster Uber’s extensive address data capabilities across its global operations, encompassing ride-sharing, meal delivery and local courier services.

US Master Address pricing

We meticulously craft personalized solutions tailored to every facet of our customers’ business needs. Choose the perfect plan to match your mojo.

Free sample

No credit card required
Check mark Sample includes a segment of the United States
Check mark Custom sample available upon request


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How did Smarty build its US address database?

Smarty processes billions of addresses daily and utilizes other proprietary methods to give you the most comprehensive and current lists of mailable addresses in the United States.

How does Smarty price its list of addresses?

Smarty offers industry-leading value for its address lists. You can customize your price by geography and data to match your budget. Pricing is transparent, simple, and flexible.

Can I send mail to Smarty's US Master Address List?

At this time, Smarty's US Master Address List is intended for data management, reporting, and analytics. Smarty customers must sign an agreement that they’ll not use the list for mailing unless they take full responsibility for complying with all laws and regulations related thereto.

How can I get a list of mailing addresses?

To get a list of verified addresses by state or for the entire US, just contact us. We can often get you a quote within minutes.

What is an address database?

An address database contains address data for delivery points. When most people refer to an address database, they mean a dataset or list of addresses within it. People seeking an address database are often looking for an address list within specific geographies. Address lists and data are used in many ways, including shipping/mailing, geocoding and locating, and reporting and analytics.

What is a national address database?

A national address database contains address data for delivery points within a specific country. Smarty's US Master Address List is the most reasonably priced, complete, and accurate list of mailable addresses in the US. It features 210+ million verified addresses, 20+ million of which are considered non-USPS addresses, each with a persistent, unique identifier (SmartyKey®) for superior data management, reporting, and analysis.

How much does a mailing list cost?

The cost of a mailing list varies based on your requirements. Mailing lists are priced by the geography (number of addresses) and the selected metadata fields.

How do I get a list of residential addresses?

Smarty’s US Master Address List contains both residential and commercial addresses. Smarty's premium list comes with the Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI), which tells you if a mailing address is a residential or business location.

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