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Smarty Services

Verify, validate, parse, standardize, enrich, geocode, and auto-complete addresses with hyper-accuracy at breakneck speeds.

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Smart address data management

Fast and reliable address processing is easily implemented with live support and expert documentation.

Data Products

Smarty's US Master Address List features 190+ million verified USPS addresses each with a persistent unique identifier for superior coverage, data management, reporting, and analysis.
Go to US Master Address List
Illustration of a multicolored 3D cube floating above a grid structure, representing integrated systems or connections.

Integrations Plugins

Validate and standardize addresses for 250 countries and territories around the world with lightning-fast speed and precision.

Product Features Comparison
Quickly find the Smarty product that best suits your needs.

What our customers are saying

Astronaut driving on the surface of the moon
Smarty support service is beyond excellent with time and accuracy. We had a technical issue and I sent an email. In just a few minutes (less than 2 or so), I got a call and the issue was resolved in less than 5 mins.
Andrew BoellstorffDirector of Digital Product & Technology, NASA
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Fast, easy, reliable

Our simple API documentation and fantastic customer support make it easy to start validating addresses in just a few minutes.

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Get rolling in minutes

No credit card required. Get 1,000 free lookups. Try out the full version before signing up.
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Customer-loving support

Talk with real people who love helping you.
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Every address on the planet

Verify addresses with our USPS and International address validation APIs.
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Really fast performance

Our service has an average response time of less than 30 seconds.

Ready to get started?