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How to find the ZIP+4 Code for an addressDiscover easy methods to find the ZIP+4 Code for any address, enhancing your mail accuracy and delivery speed with our step-by-step guide.
How to verify an address with the USPSEnsure your mail reaches its destination by learning how to verify addresses with USPS. Our guide simplifies the process for you.
How to write a PO Box addressMaster the correct way to write a PO Box address with our clear examples and tips, ensuring your mail is always correctly addressed.
How to find address geocodesGet precise location data by learning how to find address geocodes. Our comprehensive guide makes geocoding straightforward and efficient.
How to fix the USPS insufficient address errorFrustrated with the USPS insufficient address errors? Our troubleshooting guide provides practical solutions to fix these issues quickly.
How to reverse geocodeUncover the process of reverse geocoding to convert coordinates into usable addresses with our detailed and easy-to-follow instructions.
How to tell if an address is residential or commercialDetermine if an address is residential or commercial with our helpful guide, making it easier to plan deliveries and services.
Address autocompleteArrow Icon
Address autocomplete is a feature that suggests street addresses to users as they type an address into...
Address cleansingArrow Icon
Address cleansing is the collective process of standardizing, correcting and then validating a...
What is address correctionArrow Icon
Address correction is the process of reviewing postal addresses for accuracy and completeness and...
What is address dataArrow Icon
Address data points are the components that make up an address, such as...
What are address data intelligence benefits for government servicesArrow Icon
Government agencies benefit from address data intelligence through address verification...
What is address exception handlingArrow Icon
Address exception handling is the proactive process of managing addresses not found in an...
What are address false positivesArrow Icon
Address false positives are dangerous for businesses because it can lead to lost...
Address Line 1 meaning, uses, placement, and examplesArrow Icon
Address Line 1 should contain the building or house number, and...
Address line 2, uses, placement, and examplesArrow Icon
An address field that allows users to add secondary address information such as...
What is address parsingArrow Icon
Address parsing is the process of taking an address or a string of text and breaking that address into...
What is latencyArrow Icon
Network latency is simply referring to the delay in communication across different...
Address standardization and validationArrow Icon
Address standardization and validation are two of the main services Smarty provides.
Address standardization APIs: What they are & how to use themArrow Icon
An address standardization API is an application programming interface (API) can that can automatically format address data according to a specified set of postal standards established by a local postal authority like the USPS.
Address verification glossaryArrow Icon
The process of changing addresses to adhere to USPS standards. The USPS defines a standardized...
AVS vs. address validation: What's the difference?Arrow Icon
It's easy to explain the difference between AVS and address validation.
Batch geocode or batch geocodingArrow Icon
To batch geocode, or perform batch geocoding, is the process of uploading a spreadsheet or list of...
Best address validation services software and toolsArrow Icon
Address validation software can be offered in many forms depending on your needs and...
County FIPS CodesArrow Icon
County FIPS Codes are 5-digit numbers used to designate each county across the United States. FIPS Codes...
Data consolidation & merging datasets using addressesArrow Icon
Data consolidation is the process of combining an organization's data into a single...
Finding a quality address validation APIArrow Icon
There are two main qualities that will help you determine if an address validation API is a good...
Free knowledgeArrow Icon
Knowledge is important. In some mathematical representations, it's equal to power. It's the difference...
GeocodingArrow Icon
Geocoding is the process of finding geographical coordinates for an address or place that is in...,
How to find a county by using a ZIP CodeArrow Icon
Every mailing address is located within a specific county AND a specific ZIP Code. Therefore...
How to use APIs for address validation, standardization and moreArrow Icon
An address API is an application programmatic interface (API) that processes postal addresses.
Google address validation APIArrow Icon
How does Google's address validation API stacks up against Smarty's legendary and lightning-fast...
How to validate an address using [programming language of your choice]Arrow Icon
A lot of programmers want to know how to validate an address using Regex, JavaScript, .Net, PHP...
How to write a mailing address - Format + examplesArrow Icon
Writing a mailing address is dictated by the mailing address format for your country and....
Arrow Icon
LACSLink® matches addresses against a list of rural route, highway route, and box number addresses...
What is personally identifiable informationArrow Icon
PII (personally identifiable information) is any information that permits the identification...
What are PO Box–only ZIP CodesArrow Icon
Is there a list of ZIP Codes where the USPS doesn't deliver to physical addresses? Yes.
Rejected address? What does that mean?Arrow Icon
I just ran some rejected addresses. What does that mean?
What are unique ZIP CodesArrow Icon
Some organizations (such as large businesses, universities, or government agencies) receive...
What it USPS CASS Cycle OArrow Icon
USPS CASS Cycle O is the USPS's foundational system for ensuring the accuracy and precision of...
What is Project US@Arrow Icon
Project US@ is a pioneering initiative with technical guidelines and standards to address the...
Validation / verificationArrow Icon
Address validation is the process of checking a mailing address against an authoritative database...
What are geocodes & what is geocoding?Arrow Icon
A geocode is the GPS coordinates (or the latitude and longitude) of a physical address. Geocoding is the...
What are postal codes?Arrow Icon
Postal codes are strings of numbers (and sometimes letters) that help postal services determine where...
What are service level agreements?Arrow Icon
An SLA (service level agreement) is a part of a standardized service contract in which specific...
What are URLs?Arrow Icon
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and is a way to reference a resource like a web page on...
What are ZIP+4 Codes?Arrow Icon
ZIP+4 Codes are the last 4 digits of a nine-digit ZIP Code. A nine-digit ZIP Code is made of two parts.
What is address standardization?Arrow Icon
Address standardization is the process of formatting an address so that it matches the approved format...
What is a national address databaseArrow Icon
A national address database is a database that contains a list of addresses for delivery points within...
What is an "address lookup"?Arrow Icon
An address lookup is the process of checking an address against an authoritative database to verify if...
What is an API?Arrow Icon
API is short for "application program interface". An API is a set of programmatic instructions that...
What is eLOT?Arrow Icon
Enhanced line of travel (eLOT) is an alphanumeric code that outlines the most...
What is USPS insufficient address mail?Arrow Icon
A USPS insufficient address alert is typically printed on a yellow sticker affixed to...
What is an "inactive" address?Arrow Icon
The US Postal Service labels some addresses "no-stat." At Smarty, we call them "inactive."
What is data governance?Arrow Icon
Data governance is a set of principles and standards that dictate the organization and unification of...
What are decimal degreesArrow Icon
Decimal degrees are a way to express latitude and longitude coordinates...
What is Canada Post?Arrow Icon
Canada Post is the Canadian equivalent of the USPS in the United States. They serve as the postal...
What is CASS certification?Arrow Icon
The CASS (coding accuracy support system) certification process was designed by the USPS in...
What is CASS processing?Arrow Icon
What is CASS? Coding accuracy support system (CASS) is a certification system from the...
What is CASS?Arrow Icon
CASS stands for The Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS). It's a tool created and used by the...
What is county data?Arrow Icon
A county is the largest geographic division of local government. According to the National association...
What is Delivery Point Validation (DPV)?Arrow Icon
Delivery Point Validation™ (DPV®) is the process of verifying that an address is actually deliverable...
What is Deutsche Post?Arrow Icon
Deutsche Post AG, also known as Deutsche Post DHL, is Germany's primary postal delivery service.
What is HTTP?Arrow Icon
HTTP stands for "HyperText Transfer Protocol," and it's the computer communication protocol used...
What is international address validation?Arrow Icon
International address validation is the process of comparing a non-US address against an...
What is La Poste and the French Postal System?Arrow Icon
Postal codes in France are similar to ZIP Codes in the United States. For example, the postal code/ZIP...
What is NCOA (National Change of Address) Certification?Arrow Icon
NCOALink or NCOA (National Change of Address) is a data set containing approximately 160 million...
What is RDI, and where can I find it?Arrow Icon
RDI stands for "residential delivery indicator". It tells you if a mailing address is a residential or business...
What is Royal Mail?Arrow Icon
Royal Mail plc is the primary postal service in the United Kingdom. It provides postal delivery...
What is reverse geocoding?Arrow Icon
Reverse geocoding starts with a latitude and longitude point, and gives you back the corresponding street address...
Where is your error?Arrow Icon
Despite best efforts, errors happen. It can be helpful to know where those errors are happening.
Why address standardization during data entry is essential to quality dataArrow Icon
Many problems with the quality of address data can be eliminated by simply validating and...
Why is address verification important?Arrow Icon
Before you can understand why address verification is important to you and your company, you must...
Address data management "like a boss"Arrow Icon
If you need to collect address data for your business, then you need that data to be accurate.
Can I validate an address while using Google Maps' addMarker?Arrow Icon
No. How was that for a fast answer? addMarker is a function of Google's...
Data management: When good data goes badArrow Icon
"Data management" is the process of facilitating data control and flow, from the data's creation to...
The difference between "mappable" and "valid"Arrow Icon
A "mappable" address is not necessarily a "valid" or officially recognized (mailman-deliverable) address.
Does Google parse and/or standardize addresses?Arrow Icon
While Google does a great many things, it may surprise you to learn that Google does NOT parse...
Geocoding APIs: Esri vs Smarty and GoogleArrow Icon
Geocoding APIs frequently use inconsistent definitions for accuracy. We're going to dispel...,
Google's Geocoding API: Is there any good alternative?Arrow Icon
Google's Geocoding API is certainly one of the best known options, when it comes to using an API to...
How do I determine if a suite or apartment number is valid?Arrow Icon
If someone enters an invalid apartment, will that be explained in the data returned?
How often should I re-verify addresses?Arrow Icon
I'm planning to store the corrected address along with a timestamp indicating when I performed the...
I'm looking for a ZIP Code API. What should I look for?Arrow Icon
The USPS ZIP Code API provides developers with comprehensive access to the data found in the...
International geocoding: Around the GPS in 80 daysArrow Icon
Geocoding uses a postal address to identify the GPS lat/long coordinates of that location. International...
Is move-update/NCOA required?Arrow Icon
A postal worker at my local post office informed me that I can't mail out a mailing without first doing the...
Is there an open-source address scrubber?Arrow Icon
Slow down a second. Before we go any further, we need to determine two things. First, do you mean...
Is there any preference between a street address and Po Box?Arrow Icon
From a financial standpoint, the USPS prefers to deliver mail to a PO Box. A letter delivered to a...
Maintaining data security with SmartyArrow Icon
Smarty doesn't sell, distribute, persist the storage of, or in any way abuse your data. You can read all...
My geocode service won't give me ZIP+4 Codes. Why?Arrow Icon
So you're using a geocoder, and you want to get the ZIP+4 Code for an address...
PO Box vs. street address: Does the USPS have a preference?Arrow Icon
Does the USPS have a preference? There's no official answer to that, but here's what we do know.
UPS address validation features and limitationsArrow Icon
While the address validation service offered by UPS can be useful, there are several limitations. For..
USPS address verification | Pros and consArrow Icon
Learn how to verify and standardize addresses with USPS, understand its limitations and see better options.
USPS API and address validationArrow Icon
The USPS API is an address validation API provided by the United States Postal Service.
Using regular expressions for street addressesArrow Icon
Wondering how to use regular expressions for address validation? We get a lot of questions from...
Using Smarty .NET SDK in C#Arrow Icon
This article is a companion to the YouTube video produced by Smarty on how to use the...
Using USPS APIs in C#Arrow Icon
Do you want to know how to use the USPS API in C#? We'll show you how, and share step-by-step...
Using Smarty PHP SDKArrow Icon
This article is a companion to the YouTube video produced by Smarty on how to use the...
Using USPS APIs in PHPArrow Icon
Do you want to know how to use the USPS API in PHP? We'll show you how, and share step-by-step...
Using Smarty Python SDKArrow Icon
This article is a companion to the YouTube video produced by Smarty on how to use the...
Using USPS APIs in PythonArrow Icon
Do you want to know how to use the USPS API in Python? We'll show you how, and share step-by-step...
What are some popular lat/long providers?Arrow Icon
If you need latitude/longitude coordinates that are associated with a physical address, what you're looking...
Who can validate addresses for me?Arrow Icon
If you're looking for address validation, a quick Google search brings up a couple noteworthy names.
Why should I present the validated address back to my client for review?Arrow Icon
I've been using your address verification services for a while and the results seem to be...

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