US GeoReference Data
Try the US GeoReference Data Live API
Census Tract Data
Census Block Data
City Place and Name
Get industry-leading accuracy
US GeoReference Data gives you the precise Census Tract data you need, including
Census Block, Block Group, and Census Tract
Census Block, Block Group, and Census Tract
The up to 15-character Census Tract and block ID.
Census County Division (CCD)
Census County Division (CCD)
The county subdivision identifier and name.
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
The GeoID for the CBSA and name.
City & Place Name Census Designated Place (CDP)
City & Place Name Census Designated Place (CDP)
The precise geographic city or town an address falls within and its incorporated or unincorporated status.

Our lightning-fast API, clear documentation, legendary support, and can-do attitude make US Census Tract lookups a breeze.
Enhance US Census Tract identification
Improve government compliance
Match more Census Tracts
Identify locational demographics
Streamline data aggregation
Expand with confidence
What industries are using US GeoReference Data?
Banks and financial institutions

Healthcare providers

Real estate technology

Super-fast Census Tract API
Accurate US Census Tract data
Accurate US Census Tract data
Get the correct census tract the first time. Smarty's US GeoReference Data stands on top of our already hyper-accurate US Rooftop Geocoding. When you enter an address, we immediately verify its accuracy and relate it to the correct census tract. Additionally, each of the returned census data points is accompanied by an accuracy rating, giving you a transparent view of the data you get back.
Easily relate census tract data to addresses
Easily relate census tract data to addresses
Getting the census tract data is one thing, but being able to relate that information to addresses and other crucial tools you're using is something else entirely. SmartyKey is a persistent unique identifier (PUID) assigned to every address in the United States. With the SmartyKey, you can easily and accurately tie the census tract data back to a location despite address changes.
Free, unlimited, legendary support
Free, unlimited, legendary support
When you reach out to our support team, they answer promptly. It's that simple. Smarty's support team comprises knowledgeable experts — no novices, no tiers, and no time-wasting scripts. Try us, and you'll agree that our unlimited, free support is better than other companies' paid support.
Simple, clear documentation
Simple, clear documentation
Packed with examples and sample code, our intuitive documentation helps you get up and running before you can shamelessly shout, "I love Smarty’s SDKs!" Read up on best practices and discover some of our pre-built open-source tools.

What our customers are saying

Smarty support service is beyond excellent with time and accuracy. We had a technical issue and I sent an email. In just a few mins (less than 2 or so), I got a call and the issue was resolved in less than 5 mins.
How to do a census tract lookup?
How to do a census tract lookup?
Smarty's GeoReference product has two easy ways to look up census tract and block information. First, suppose you need a simple, lightning-fast API to process many census tract lookups daily. In that case, Smarty's Address Enrichment API is easy to use and can process millions of addresses at industry-leading speeds. Second, you can use our census tract lookup tool to find the census tract ID, CBSA, place, and block ID individually.
What is a census tract?
What is a census tract?
A census tract is a small, relatively uniform, and stable area used for demographic analysis, typically containing 1,200 to 8,000 people. Each census tract provides detailed data on population characteristics, crucial for businesses and organizations in making informed decisions and tailoring strategies to specific communities.
How to find a census tract for an address?
How to find a census tract for an address?
The easiest way to find a census tract for an address is through a census API like Smarty’s. Smarty's GeoReference API provides a simple way for banks, lenders, real estate agents, and healthcare providers to access census tract and block information.
What is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)?
What is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)?
A Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), also called a Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), is a geographic region with a high population density at its core and close economic ties throughout the area. It typically encompasses one or more urban cities and their surrounding communities, used for statistical purposes to analyze urban and suburban dynamics.
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