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Jersey address formats & examples

How to write a Jersey address

Between England and France is the British crown dependency island of Jersey. Let's get a couple of things out of the way to add clarification: Yes, Jersey cows originated on the Island of Jersey. No, the Jersey shrub didn’t originate in Jersey.

But if you're going to ship a cow or a shrub to Jersey, you'll need to ensure you have the right Jersey address format. We've put together some Jersey address format examples for you to compare against and some tips for the mailing address format you'll need when postmarking Bessy for shipment. The Jersey address format can be written as follows.

  1. Addressee line - The recipient's full name.
  2. Building name - The name of the building—if known—goes on this line.
  3. Building or unit number and street name - The street name goes right after the building or unit number.
  4. Parish - The Channel Islands (which Jersey is a part of) have twelve parishes.
  5. Island - In this case, you'll just list Jersey as the island.
  6. Postal code - Two sets of three alphanumeric characters make up the Jersey postal code.
  7. Country - Written as "JEY"
Jersey address example

Jersey address examples

Smarty address validation tools

Smarty® has a suite of address validation tools that can format, standardize, and validate Jersey addresses, plus addresses in 240+ other countries and territories worldwide. Validate your Jersey address with our tools.
Use the Single Address Verification Tool to verify and format 1 address at a time, the Bulk Address Validation Tool to verify and format a list addresses simultaneously, or use the International Street Address API to integrate address validation and formatting programmatically into your software systems and workflows.

Postal information

Administrative area types and count
12 parishes
Administration area names and abbreviations

Grouville (GR)

Saint Brelade (SB)

Saint Clement (SC)

Saint Helier (SH)

Saint John (SJ)

Saint Lawrence (SL)

Saint Martin (SM)

Saint Mary (SY)

Saint Ouen (SO)

Saint Peter (SP)

Saint Saviour (SV)

Trinity (TR)

Term to describe postal codes
postal code
Postal code in language
postal code
Postal code format
Postal service provider and website

Shucks! Looks like there isn't a registered national postal system here. We also can't provide a postal service website, either. Sorry!

Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.

Country information

There's a whole lot more address information available than just Jersey’s envelope address format! Smarty can provide so much more for you, from ISO codes and latitude/longitude to major city information and address component data. Check it out so you can learn all there is to know about Jersey.

Country/territory name
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
ISO 3166-1 numeric country code
Total land area
118 KM²
St. Helier
Other major cities
St. Sauveur, St. Brelade

Population information

Total population
104,000 (2023)
Urban / rural distribution
35% / 65%
Urban population
Rural population
Official language
English, French
All languages spoken
Jersey, English, Portuguese
Most commonly used postal language
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Now that you've seen our Jersey address examples and have become a wizard at Jersey address formats, why not expand your expertise even further? Explore our detailed guides for related countries and territories to see how their address formats and examples vary.
Visit the global address formats page or Europe address formats page for more information on all the other countries and territories we cover. You can also read or read our article about international address verification to learn more.
*Data updated as of January 30, 2025

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