Italy address format & examples
How to write an Italian address
Ciao! It looks like you’re ready to explore how to address a letter to friends or customers in Italy. You can look at our bello Italian address examples here and try our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Italy below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address while you cruise around on your Vespa scooter.
Now, let's get into the basics of address formatting in Italy. The Italian address format for shipping or mailing addresses should be written in all capital letters as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name.
- Street name and house number or PO Box - The number should be after the street name (e.g. VIA ROMA 123)
- Locality - Include the postcode, locality, and province code with no interrupting commas or punctuation marks.
- Country - Include the city, followed by the 2-character ISO 3166-2 province or territory abbreviation and the postal code.
- Country - ITA, written in all caps.

Italy address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Abruzzo (ABR)
Aosta Valley (VDA)
Apulia (PUG)
Basilicata (BAS)
Calabria (CAL)
Campania (CAM)
Emilia-Romagna (EMR)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (FVG)
Lazio (LAZ)
Liguria (LIG)
Lombardy (LOM)
Marche (MAR)
Molise (MOL)
Piedmont (PIE)
Sardinia (SAR)
Sicily (SIC)
Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol (TAA)
Tuscany (TOS)
Umbria (UMB)
Veneto (VEN)
Poste Italiane
Country information
Dive into the unique parts of Italy’s address format for letters.
Population information
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