Latvia address format & examples
How to write a Latvian address
Often referred to as the Art Nouveau capital of the world, Latvia is home to beautifully colored buildings, gorgeous lakes, rivers, bridges, and national parks, and a deep-rooted musical heritage. If you'd like to send some of your own art in the post, you'll want to know how to address a letter to Latvia. We've collected some Latvian address examples for you to examine, and we'll provide you with tools to help validate any address in Latvia, too.
Smarty is the best source for location data with a suite of address validation tools for addresses worldwide. Test it out by entering a Latvian address, and you'll get it back formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can dance the Sudmaliņas. Address formatting in Latvia can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the area.
- Street and building number - The street name is immediately followed by the building number without any separating punctuation.
- City and postal code - The city or town the address is in and then the alphanumeric postal code, all with hyphens between each segment. For example: Rīga-LV-1005.
- Country - This is often shortened to LVA.

Latvia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Vidzeme (VI)
Latgale (LA)
Kurzeme (KU)
Zemgale (ZEM)
Aizkraukle Municipality (AIZ)
Aizpute Municipality (AIZP)
Aknīste Municipality (AKN)
Aloja Municipality (ALO)
Alsunga Municipality (ALS)
Alūksne Municipality (ALU)
Amata Municipality (AMA)
Ape Municipality (APE)
Auce Municipality (AUC)
Ādaži Municipality (ADA)
Babīte Municipality (BAB)
Baldone Municipality (BAL)
Baloži Municipality (BLZ)
Baltinava Municipality (BTV)
Balvi Municipality (BALV)
Bauska Municipality (BAU)
Beverīna Municipality (BEV)
Brocēni Municipality (BRC)
Burtnieki Municipality (BUR)
Carnikava Municipality (CAR)
Cēsis Municipality (CES)
Cesvaine Municipality (CESV)
Cibla Municipality (CIB)
Dagda Municipality (DAG)
Daugavpils Municipality (DGV)
Dobele Municipality (DOB)
Dundaga Municipality (DUN)
Durbe Municipality (DUR)
Engure Municipality (ENG)
Ērgļi Municipality (ERG)
Garkalne Municipality (GAR)
Grobiņa Municipality (GRB)
Gulbene Municipality (GUL)
Iecava Municipality (IEC)
Ikšķile Municipality (IKS)
Ilūkste Municipality (ILU)
Inčukalns Municipality (INC)
Jaunjelgava Municipality (JJG)
Jaunpiebalga Municipality (JPI)
Jaunpils Municipality (JPI)
Jēkabpils Municipality (JKB)
Jelgava Municipality (JEL)
Kandava Municipality (KAN)
Kārsava Municipality (KAR)
Kocēni Municipality (KOC)
Koknese Municipality (KOK)
Krāslava Municipality (KRA)
Krimulda Municipality (KRM)
Krustpils Municipality (KRP)
Kuldīga Municipality (KUL)
Ķegums Municipality (KEG)
Ķekava Municipality (KEK)
Lielvārde Municipality (LIE)
Līgatne Municipality (LIG)
Limbaži Municipality (LIM)
Līvāni Municipality (LIV)
Lubāna Municipality (LUB)
Ludza Municipality (LUD)
Madona Municipality (MAD)
Mālpils Municipality (MAL)
Mārupe Municipality (MAR)
Mazsalaca Municipality (MZS)
Mērsrags Municipality (MRS)
Naukšēni Municipality (NAU)
Nereta Municipality (NER)
Nīca Municipality (NIC)
Ogre Municipality (OGR)
Olaine Municipality (OLA)
Ozolnieki Municipality (OZO)
Pārgauja Municipality (PAG)
Pāvilosta Municipality (PAV)
Pļaviņas Municipality (PLA)
Preiļi Municipality (PRE)
Priekule Municipality (PRI)
Priekuļi Municipality (PRI)
Rauna Municipality (RAU)
Rēzekne Municipality (REZ)
Riebiņi Municipality (RIE)
Roja Municipality (ROJ)
Ropaži Municipality (ROP)
Rucava Municipality (RUC)
Rugāji Municipality (RUG)
Rūjiena Municipality (RUJ)
Salacgrīva Municipality (SLG)
Salaspils Municipality (SAL)
Saldus Municipality (SAL)
Saulkrasti Municipality (SAU)
Sēja Municipality (SEJ)
Sigulda Municipality (SIG)
Skrīveri Municipality (SKR)
Skrunda Municipality (SKR)
Smiltene Municipality (SMI)
Stopiņi Municipality (STO)
Strenči Municipality (STR)
Talsi Municipality (TAL)
Tērvete Municipality (TER)
Tukums Municipality (TUK)
Vaiņode Municipality (VAI)
Valka Municipality (VAL)
Valmiera Municipality (VAL)
Varakļāni Municipality (VAR)
Vārkava Municipality (VAR)
Vecpiebalga Municipality (VPI)
Vecumnieki Municipality (VCU)
Ventspils Municipality (VEN)
Viesīte Municipality (VIE)
Viļaka Municipality (VIL)
Viļāni Municipality (VIA)
Zilupe Municipality (ZIL)
Ogre (city) (OGR)
Latvijas Pasts
Country information
Are you looking for more artsy information about Latvia, like ISO codes, major cities, etc.? You can paint it up right here and quickly become wiser about Latvia’s addresses.
Population information
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