Saudi Arabia address formats & examples
How to write a Saudi Arabian address
Shockingly, you don’t need to know Arabic to absolutely crush Saudi Arabia’s address format. Put aside your Kabsa because we’re ready to show you a Saudi Arabian address example and walk you through Saudi Arabia’s mailing address format step by step. You can learn how to write a Saudi Arabian address by looking at our examples here, or you can try our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Saudi Arabia below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address faster than you can say, “As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you).
Now, let's get into it with the basics. Saudi Arabia’s address format should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's name and any appropriate titles go here.
- House number and street name - The house number and street name are listed in this order, without commas between them.
- Dependent locality - On a line by itself, include the dependent locality, if applicable.
- Administrative area and postal code - The administrative area, followed immediately by the postal code goes on this line without any separating punctuation.
- Country - "SAU", in all caps, goes on the final line.

Saudi Arabia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Riyadh (RD)
Makkah (MK)
Madinah (MD)
Eastern Province (EP)
Asir (AS)
Tabuk (TB)
Qassim (QS)
Hail (HA)
Najran (NJ)
Jazan (JZ)
Northern Borders (NB)
Al-Jawf (JF)
Al-Bahah (BH)
Saudi Post
Country information
Feel free to do an Ardah (super fun sword dance) as we get even more technical with Saudi Arabia’s address format. We’re here to provide you with extra detailed information.
Population information
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