Bangladesh address format & examples
How to write a Bangladeshi address
From the bustling streets of Dhaka to the serene beauty of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh is a country of awesome. Whether you're sending a letter to someone in the commercial hub of Chittagong or a coastal town like Cox's Bazar, understanding the correct Bangladesh address format is key to making sure your mail arrives on time. We’ve gathered the right tools and a Bangladeshi address example to help guide you through the process.
Curious about how to address a letter to Bangladesh? You’re in the right place. Below, you'll find the proper Bangladesh address format and a Bangladeshi address example to help ensure smooth deliveries. Whether it’s heading to the countryside or the capital city, knowing how to address a letter to Bangladesh properly will save you time and hassle. Follow the right Bangladesh address format and rest easy knowing your letters and packages will arrive on time!
Smarty is your go-to resource for professional-grade location data. Enter any address, and it will be returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can sip a cup of Bangladeshi chai. Using the correct Bangladesh address format ensures that your mail reaches its destination without confusion. Here’s a typical guide on how to write a Bangladeshi address:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Street - The street the address is on.
- Neighborhood, postal code, and administrative area - The neighborhood first, then the postal code and administrative area with a slash between them.
- Country - This is often shortened to BGD.

Bangladesh address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Dhaka (DA)
Chittagong (CTG)
Rajshahi (RAJ)
Khulna (KHL)
Barisal (BAR)
Sylhet (SYL)
Rangpur (RAN)
Mymensingh (MYM)
Bagerhat (BGR)
Bandarban (BNB)
Barguna (BNA)
Barisal (BRS)
Bhola (BHO)
Bogra (BOG)
Brahmanbaria (BRA)
Chandpur (CHP)
Chapai Nawabganj (CHN)
Chittagong (CHT)
Chuadanga (CHD)
Comilla (COM)
Cox's Bazar (COX)Dhaka (DHK)
Dinajpur (DIN)
Faridpur (FAR)
Feni (FEN)
Gaibandha (GAI)
Gazipur (GAZ)
Gopalganj (GOP)
Habiganj (HAB)
Jamalpur (JAM)
Jessore (JES)
Jhalakathi (JHA)
Jhenaidah (JHE)
Joypurhat (JYP)
Khagrachhari (KHA)
Khulna (KHU)
Kishoreganj (KIS)
Kurigram (KUR)
Kushtia (KUS)
Lakshmipur (LAK)
Lalmonirhat (LAL)
Madaripur (MAD)
Magura (MAG)
Manikganj (MAN)
Meherpur (MEH)
Moulvibazar (MOU)
Munshiganj (MUN)
Mymensingh (MYM)
Naogaon (NAO)
Narail (NAR)
Narayanganj (NAR)
Narsingdi (NAS)
Natore (NAT)
Nawabganj (NAW)
Netrakona (NET)
Nilphamari (NIL)
Noakhali (NOA)
Pabna (PAB)
Panchagarh (PAN)
Patuakhali (PAT)
Pirojpur (PIR)
Rajbari (RAJ)
Rajshahi (RAJ)
Rangamati (RAN)
Rangpur (RAN)
Satkhira (SAT)
Shariatpur (SHA)
Sherpur (SHE)
Sirajganj (SIR)
Sunamganj (SUN)
Sylhet (SYL)
Tangail (TAN)
Bangladesh Post Office
Country information
We’ve included all the details you need on postal zones, ISO codes, and more to ensure your mail gets to Dhaka, Sylhet, or any other part of the country.
Population information
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