Kyrgyzstan address format & examples
How to write a Kyrgyz address
Sure, hobbyhorse competitions are neat, but if you want a real horse competition, Kyrgyzstan is the plaace to go. Kyrgyzstan is famous for its traditional horseback games like kok-boru, where riders score points by placing a goat carcass in the goal. Sending fan mail is encouraged, but you'll need to make sure you know how to write a Kyrgyz address. The envelope address format for Kyrgyzstan is fairly simple, unlike riding a performance horse (or even a hobbyhorse).
Horse riding has been around for over 4,000 years, but fancy technology to find your address formats is relatively new. You can use Smarty's robust address verification tools to simply type in the address data in any mail format and get the correct Kyrgyzstan address format returned. Using the correct Kyrgyz address format will ensure your favorite horse gets the mail much faster! Here’s a breakdown of how to write a Kyrgyz address:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region. A horse name is also acceptable 😘.
- Street and unit - The unit number should be listed right after the street name.
- District - The local area the address is in.
- City or town - The city or town the address is in.
- Postal code - The postal code goes down towards the bottom.
- Country - The country can be shortened to KGZ and is the last piece of info you need to get that mail sent!

Kyrgyzstan address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Batken - B Chüy - C Issyk-Kul - Y Jalal-Abad - J Naryn - N Osh - O Talas - T Bishkek - GB Osh City - GO
Kyrgyz Pochtasy
Country information
If you've made it this far, you're probably looking for more than just how to write a Kyrgyz address. Below, you'll find extra details like land area, ISO codes, and major cities to satisfy your curiosity.
Population information
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