Cambodia address format & examples
How to write an Cambodian address
From the ancient temples of Angkor Wat to the bustling streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia is a country filled with things to see and experience. Whether you're exploring the serene beaches of Sihanoukville or the floating villages of Tonle Sap, sending mail to Cambodia requires knowing the correct Cambodia address format. We've gathered the best tools and Cambodian address examples to ensure your letters and packages reach their destination without delay.
We’ve got you covered with multiple Cambodian address examples and tools to help guide you. Whether you're sending mail to Siem Reap or the rural provinces, ensuring your address is correctly formatted will ensure your delivery arrives on time.
Smarty is your golden goose for professional-grade location data. Just enter any address, and it’ll be returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can say "Sampeah" ("hello" in Cambodian). Using the proper Cambodia address format ensures smooth delivery. Below is the typical envelope address format for Cambodia:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Street and building number - Street names are listed first, followed by the building number without separating punctuation.
- Region, City, and postal code - List all three without any separating punctuation.
- Country - This is often shortened to KHM.

Cambodia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Banteay Meanchey (BM)
Battambang (BA)
Kampong Cham (KM)
Kampong Chhnang (KN)
Kampong Speu (KS)
Kampong Thom (KT)
Kampot (KP)
Kandal (KL)
Kep (KEP)
Koh Kong (KK)
Kratie (KR)
Mondulkiri (MK)
Oddar Meanchey (OM)
Pailin (PL)
Phnom Penh (PP)
Preah Sihanouk (KH)
Preah Vihear (PV)
Prey Veng (PG)
Pursat (PS)
Ratanakiri (RK)
Siem Reap (SR)
Stung Treng (ST)
Svay Rieng (SV)
Takeo (TK)
Tboung Khmum (T)
Cambodian Post
Country information
Need more details on the Cambodian address format or wondering how to address mail to Cambodia? You can find extra information like ISO codes, postal zones, and key cities here!
Population information
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