Afghanistan address format & examples
How to write an Afghan address
From the rugged peaks of the Hindu Kush to the historic streets of Kabul, Afghanistan is a country of natural beauty. Whether you're sending a letter to a bustling marketplace in Herat or a quiet village in the Panjshir Valley, understanding the correct Afghanistan address format is essential for successful mail delivery. We’ve compiled some handy tips and a reliable Afghan address example to help you ensure your letters and packages make it to their destination without a hitch.
Curious about how to address a letter to Afghanistan? We’ve got you covered. Below, you'll find the proper Afghanistan address format and an Afghan address example to guide you. Whether you're mailing something to the vibrant streets of Kandahar or the ancient city of Balkh, using the right street address format ensures your mail arrives safely. Looking for more details on how to address a letter to Afghanistan? Whether you’re sending mail to Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, or a remote village, understanding the Afghanistan address format is essential.
Smarty is the perfect resource for quality location data. Enter any Afghan address, and we’ll return it formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can picture a breathtaking Afghan sunset over the mountains. Using the correct Afghanistan address format guarantees that your letters or packages are delivered without confusion. Here’s a typical street address format for Afghanistan:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Street and unit number - The unit number follows the street without separating punctuation.
- Neighborhood or sub-city - The area goes on its own line.
- City - The city goes on its own line.
- City and postal code - The city is followed by the alphanumerical postal code.
- Country - This is often shortened to AFG.

Afghanistan address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Belai (BL)
Badakhshan (BDS)
Badghis (BDG)
Baghlan (BGL)
Balkh (BAL)
Bamyan (BAM)
Daykundi (DAY)
Farah (FRA)
Faryab (FYB)
Ghazni (GHA)
Ghor (GHO)
Helmand (HEL)
Herat (HER)
Jowzjan (JOW)
Kabul (KAB)
Kandahar (KAN)
Kapisa (KAP)
Khost (KHO)
Kunar (KNR)
Kunduz (KDZ)
Laghman (LAG)
Logar (LOW)
Nangarhar (NAN)
Nimruz (NIM)
Nuristan (NUR)
Paktika (PAK)
Paktia (PIA)
Panjshir (PAN)
Parwan (PAR)
Samangan (SAM)
Sar-e Pol (SAR)
Takhar (TAK)
Uruzgan (URU)
Wardak (WAR)
Zabul (ZAB)
Afghan Post
Country information
We've included extra information on postal zones, ISO codes, and the proper street address format to ensure smooth deliveries.
Population information
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