Maldives address format & examples
How to write a Maldivian address
How to write a Maldivian address
Sending mail to Maldives can be tricky. There are over 1,190 islands, but only 200 are inhabited, and it's a pain to route incorrectly labeled mail to another island instead of just down the street. So we're here to help you understand how to write a Maldivian address (or any address around the world). The Maldivian address format, if followed correctly, will ensure your mail arrives where it needs to and on time. Using the correct international Maldives address format is easier than it looks when you're using Smarty.
Below you'll find several Maldivian address examples to look at, as well as a detailed explanation of the mailing address format. If you need information beyond the mailing address you can scroll down further to find the sort of things that Smarty can help you with.
- **Addressee line **– The recipient’s full name.
- Building number and then street name – You don't need any punctuation between the two.
- City and postal code - The city or town that the address is in, followed by the five-digit postal code.
- Country – Don't forget the country name, which can be abbreviated to MDV.

Maldives address examples
26A Neeko Lo 1K G 20120 MDV
West Park Malé 20002
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Alifu Alifu - AA Alifu Dhaalu - ADh Baa - B Dhaalu - Th Faafu - F Gaafu Alifu - GA Gaafu Dhaalu - GDh Gnaviyani - Gn Haa Alifu - HA Haa Dhaalu - HDh Kaafu - K Laamu - L Lhaviyani - Lh Meemu - M Noonu - N Raa - R Seenu - S Shaviyani - Sh Thaa - Th Vaavu - V
Maldives Post
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
If you're looking for more information on Maldives for governmental or other purposes, you can find lots of additional information about Maldives provided by Smarty. Below you'll find data such as total land area, endonyms, and population information.
Population information
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