Venezuela address examples & format
How to write an Venezuelan address
Break out your maracas because it's time to learn how to address a letter in Venezuela, and it's going to be a carnival. Is the address format influenced by the heavy African influence in Venezuela? Do you need to know a building number or just the street name in order to get your empanadas to your abuelita or abuelito? We'll give you some Venezuelan address examples that you can reference too.
You may also be interested in our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Venezuela. Simply enter a Venezuelan address, and you'll get an address formatted, standardized, and validated immediately. Address formatting in Venezuela can be written out as follows:
- Address line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Street and building number - List the street and then the building number without any punctuation separating them.
- City, postal code and state - The city then the postal code followed by the state without any punctuation separating them.
- Country - This is often shortened to VEN

Venezuela address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Amazonas (AM)
Anzoátegui (AN)
Apure (AP)
Aragua (AR)
Barinas (BA)
Bolívar (BO)
Carabobo (CA)
Cojedes (CO)
Delta Amacuro (DA)
Falcón (FA)
Guárico (GU)
Lara (LA)
Mérida (ME)
Miranda (MI)
Monagas (MO)
Nueva Esparta (NE)
Portuguesa (PO)
Sucre (SU)
Táchira (TA)
Trujillo (TR)
Vargas (VG)
Yaracuy (YA)
Zulia (ZU)
Distrito Capital (DC)
Instituto Postal Telegráfico de Venezuela (IPOSTEL)
Country information
There’s a lot more information available for Venezuela, like ISO codes, major cities, etc.
Population information
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