Paraguay address format & examples
How to write a Paraguayan address
A global leader in renewable energy, Paraguay has one of the largest hydroelectric dams in the world. It’s also the only bilingual country in all of South America. Are these neat Paraguayan facts doing anything for you? You just want to know how to address a letter to Paraguay? Ok, we can do that, too. We’ve given you a sample Paraguayan address example and written out Paraguay’s address format guidelines.
Smarty is the best source for worldwide location data, and Paraguayan addresses are no exception! Address formatting in Paraguay can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region goes on this top line.
- Street and building number - List one after the other and feel free to leave out any pesky punctuation like commas or hyphens.
- Neighborhood - The neighborhood the address is in gets this line all to itself.
- Postal code and city - he postal code and the city the address is in go here.
- Country - This is shortened to “PRY” and written in all capital letters.

Paraguay address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Concepción (CCP)
San Pedro (SP)
Cordillera (CD)
Guairá (GU)
Caaguazú (CG)
Caazapá (CZ)
Itapúa (IT)
Misiones (MI)
Paraguarí (PA)
Alto Paraná (AP)
Central (CE)
Ñeembucú (NE)
Amambay (AM)
Canindeyú (CN)
Presidente Hayes (PH)
Alto Paraguay (AG)
Boquerón (BO)
Correos del Paraguay
Country information
We can learn so much more about Paraguay’s addresses. Are you ready? Check out this additional information like ISO codes, major cities, and more to soak up all there is to know about address formatting in Paraguay.
Population information
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