Argentina address format & examples
How to write an Argentinian address
“Dale!” (Let’s do it!) It looks like you are ready to learn about the letter address format for a friend or client in Argentina. You can look at our Argentinian address examples here and try our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Argentina below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address faster than you can say “asado.”
Now, let's get into it with the basics. The Argentinian address format for shipping or mailing addresses should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's name.
- Street name and house number - These 2 items are listed in this order without any separating punctuation.
- Postal code and city - The postal code and the name of the city go here without punctuation between the two items. Ensure that the letters in the postal code are capitalized.
- Country - ARG, in all caps.

Argentina address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Buenos Aires (BA)
Catamarca (CT)
Chaco (CH)
Chubut (CB)
Córdoba (CD)
Corrientes (CR)
Entre Ríos (ER)
Formosa (FO)
Jujuy (JY)
La Pampa (LP)
La Rioja (LR)
Mendoza (MZ)
Misiones (MN)
Neuquén (NQ)
Río Negro (RN)
Salta (SA)
San Juan (SJ)
San Luis (SL)
Santa Cruz (SC)
Santa Fe (SF)
Santiago del Estero (SE)
Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur (TF)
Tucumán (TM)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)
Correo Argentino
Country information
Run like Diego Maradona over to even more information regarding how to write an Argentinian address. There’s more where that came from.
Population information
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