Bolivia address format & examples
How to write a Bolivian address
Unlike most countries, Bolivia has two capital cities. Sucre is the constitutional capital, where the country’s judiciary and historical institutions are located, while La Paz is the administrative capital, where the government and executive branches are based. That's 409 kilometers apart! Curious how to address a letter to Bolivia? It's easy! A Bolivian address example is here for your use. We can also provide tools to help validate any address in the world.
Smarty is the best source for trustworthy location data. Simply enter any Bolivian address and get it returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can postmark a letter. Address formatting in Bolivia can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using any appropriate titles for the area.
- Street and building number - The street, followed immediately by the building number goes here without any separating punctuation.
- City - The city the address is in.
- Country - This is often shortened to BOL.

Bolivia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
La Paz (LP)
Santa Cruz (SC)
Cochabamba (CB)
Potosí (PT)
Chuquisaca (CH)
Oruro (OR)
Tarija (TJ)
Beni (BN)
Pando (PD)
Empresa de Correos de Bolivia
Country information
We know you're excited for more location information on Bolivia, so here's additional information like ISO codes, major cities, and more. If you don’t understand how to write a letter to Bolivia by the time you finish reading the info provided, we’ll be shocked.
Population information
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