Brazil address format & examples
How to write a Brazil address
Do a samba and say olá to the guide for Brazil’s address format. We know you’ve been searching for it. You can feel like you’re attending Carnival by browsing Brazil’s address format examples and trying our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Brazil below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address while you enjoy your açaí bowl. De nada!
Let’s explore some of the generalities of Brazil’s mailing address format. The Brazillian address format for shipping or mailing addresses should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles like "Sr." (Mr.) or "Sra." (Mrs./Ms.).
- Street name and house or building number - The street address, including the street name followed by the building number without separating commas should be included here and in that order.
- Locality name- postal code and administrative area - The town's name should be followed by the state abbreviation, indicated with two characters separated by a dash. The state abbreviation should never come before the postcode, and dots should not be used to separate postcode digits. Finally, this line should include the administrative area.
- Country - Write "BRA" in all caps on the last line.

Brazil address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Acre - AC
Alagoas - AL
Amapá - AP
Amazonas - AM
Bahia - BA
Ceará - CE
Distrito Federal - DF
Espírito Santo - ES
Gojás - GO
Maranhão - MA
Mato Grosso - MT
Mato Grosso do Sul - MS
Minas Gerais - MG
Pará - PA
Paraíba - PB
Paraná - PR
Pernambuco - PE
Piauí - PI
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Rio Grande do Norte - RN
Rio Grande do Sul - RS
Randônia - RO
Roraima - RR
Santa Catarina - SC
São Paulo - SP
Sergipe - SE
Tocantins - TO
Country information
Beleza, let’s get technical with more information on addressing a letter to Brazil.
Population information
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