Colombia address format & examples
How to write a Colombian address
We can see you panicking from a mile away because you don’t know Columbia’s address format. Tranquilo/a (don't worry) because you stumbled upon the ultimate guide for Colombian address formats. PHEW! Take a minute to dance a little cumbia (or salsa if you like that better), then grab an arepa and settle in. Enjoy browsing Columbia address examples here and try out our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Columbia below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address faster than you can say por favor.
Sometimes, people get tripped up with Columbia’s address ZIP Codes. We’ve got you. Explore Columbia’s address format in order, as explained below. The Columbian address format should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, including any titles (Sr., Sra., Srta., Dr., etc.). "Sr." stands for "Señor" (Mr.), "Sra." for "Señora" (Mrs.), and "Srta." for "Señorita" (Miss). "Dr." or "Dra." is used for doctors or Ph.D. holders.
- Street type and street name, House or building number - The street type should be written, followed by the street name. Write a comma after the street name and then include the house or building number.
- Locality and postal code - The locality and postal code go on this line without any separating punctuation marks.
- ADMINISTRATIVE AREA - The administrative area goes on a line all by itself and is written in all capital letters.
- Country - Write "COL" in all caps on the last line.

Colombia address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Amazonas - AM
Antioquia - ANT
Arauca - ARA
Atlántico - ATL
Bolívar - BOL
Boyacá - BOY
Caldas - CAL
Caquetá - CAQ
Casanare - CAS
Cauca - CAU
Cesar - CES
Chocó - CHO
Córdoba - COR
Cundinamarca - CUN
Guainía - GUA
Guaviare - GUV
Huila - HUI
La Guajira - LAG
Magdalena - MAG
Meta - MET
Nariño - NAR
Norte de Santander - NSA
Putumayo - PUT
Quindío - QUI
Risaralda - RIS
San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina - SAP
Santander - SAN
Sucre - SUC
Tolima - TOL
Valle del Cauca - VAC
Vaupés - VAU
Vichada - VID
Bogotá, D.C. - DC
Country information
See. Now you know how to write a Columbian address, but maybe you want to get even deeper! We do, too. Stock up on your pandebono, and let’s learn even more about Columbian address formats.
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