Uruguay address examples & format
How to write an Uruguayan address
Uruguay is a country of world firsts! It was the first country to legalize marijuana from production to consumption, the first country to grant divorce rights to women, and the first country where cows outnumber people! Well, it might not be the first country for the cow thing, but it IS true that cows outnumber people. So, how can you address a letter to Uruguay to check these facts we just dropped? Have no fear; Smarty can help. Here, we’ve written a step-by-step Uruguayan address example and format guide.
Smarty is the best source for worldwide location data. Simply enter any Uruguayan address and get it returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can postmark a letter. Or just learn how to address Uruguayan letters:
- Addressee line - Make sure to use the recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the area, as there can be many people with the same name.
- Street and building number - This is slightly different from how we do things in America, so pay attention. The order is street name, then building number; no one wants your commas here. List one after the other.
- Postal code and city - The postal code and the city the address is in go on this next line.
- Country - This is often abbreviated to “URY.”

Uruguay address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Artigas (AR)
Canelones (CA)
Cerro Largo (CL)
Colonia (CO)
Durazno (DU)
Flores (FS)
Florida (FD)
Lavalleja (LA)
Maldonado (MA)
Montevideo (MO)
Paysandú (PA)
Río Negro (RN)
Rivera (RV)
Rocha (RO)
Salto (SA)
San José (SJ)
Soriano (SO)
Tacuarembó (TA)
Treinta y Tres (TT)
Correo Uruguayo
Country information
There's lots more to Uruguay than cows, so here’s additional information like ISO codes, major cities, and more to really saturate that big, beautiful brain of yours in Uruguay’s addresses.
Population information
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