Nicaragua address format & examples
How to write a Nicaraguan address
One word that rolls off the tongue in a fun way is "Nicaragua." To use it in a sentence is just as fun, for example, "How to address an envelope to Nicaragua." Oh man, that was fun. Let's try it again: "How to address an envelope to Nicaragua."
If you're looking for the international Nicaragua address format, then you've come to the right place. Below are address examples and a breakdown of the mailing format for writing letters to anyone in the beautiful country of Nicaragua. If you're looking for even more location data on Nicaragua, you can scroll down a bit further to find so much data beyond address formats. Anyway, here's how to write a Nicaraguan address.
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name.
- Street name and building number - The street name comes first on this line, followed by the building number.
- The department and city - The city or town that the address is in and the department or larger administrative area both go on this line.
- Country - Don't forget the country name, which can be shortened to NIC.

Nicaragua address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Boaco (BO)
Carazo (CA)
Chinandega (CI)
Chontales (CT)
Estelí (ES)
Granada (GR)
Jinotega (JI)
León (LE)
Madriz (MD)
Managua (MN)
Masaya (MA)
Matagalpa (MT)
Nueva Segovia (NS)
Río San Juan (SJ)
Rivas (RI)
RACCN (North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region) (AN)
RACCS (South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region) (AS)
Correos de Nicaragua
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
You can relax regarding all things address data by utilizing the additional address information that's available! Smarty can provide loads of address data for you far beyond the Nicaraguan address format, from ISO codes and latitude/longitude to major city information and address component data.
Population information
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