El Salvador address format & examples
How to write a Salvadoran address
If you're sailing from Los Angeles to New York through the Panama Canal, you'll be passing right by El Salvador. You might as well stop and stay awhile to check out one or more of the 20 volcanos, visit a Mayan ruin, or go surfing at the world-class beaches. While you're there, you might ask yourself how to address a letter to El Salvador. Here are some Salvadoran address examples for you to look at, as well as tools to help you check any address you like.
Smarty's suite of address validation tools for addresses in El Salvador is the gold standard for location data. Simply enter a Salvadoran address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate it faster than you can hang ten. Address formatting in El Salvador can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region
- Street and building number - In this particular order, list one after the other without separating punctuation.
- Locality - The local area the address is in, sometimes referred to as the city.
- City and postal code - The postal code comes after the city or town name.
- Country - This is often shortened to SLV

El Salvador address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Ahuachapán (AH)
Cabañas (CA)
Chalatenango (CH)
Cuscatlán (CU)
La Libertad (LL)
La Paz (LP)
La Unión (LU)
Morazán (MO)
San Miguel (SM)
San Salvador (SS)
San Vicente (SV)
Santa Ana (SA)
Sonsonate (SO)
Usulután (US)
Correos de El Salvador
Country information
Apply your sunscreen now because we're hiking deeper into extra information about El Salvador, like ISO codes, major cities, etc. You’ll be an expert on El Salvador’s addresses in no time.
Population information
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