Mexico address format & examples
How to write a Mexican address
The Mariachi is singing for joy because you have decided to learn about how to address a letter with Mexican address formatting. Ensure that your packages and letters are delivered safely there by learning how to address mail to Mexico. Look at our address examples here and try our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Mexico below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate it muy rapido.
Now, let's get into the basics of address formatting in Mexico. The Mexican address format for shipping or mailing addresses should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles like "Señor" (Mr.) or "Señora" (Mrs./Ms.).
- Street name and building number and secondary address information - The street address including the street name followed by the building number. On the same line, include any applicable secondary address data such as apartment number with appropriate abbreviated designators (e.g. Calle Lago Rasna 29 Dpto 5).
- Dependant locality - Next, the dependent locality goes on a separate line.
- Postal code and city name, province abbreviation - Include the five-digit postal code followed by the locality and a comma, then the province abbreviation.
- Country - Write "MEX" in all caps on the last line.

Mexico address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Aguascalientes - AGS
Baja California - BC
Baja California Sur - BCS
Campeche - CAMP
Chiapas - CHIS
Chihuahua - CHIH
Coahuila - COAH
Colima - COL
Durango - DGO
Guanajuato - GTO
Guerrero - GRO
Hidalgo - HGO
Jalisco - JAL
México - MEX
Michoacán - MICH
Morelos - MOR
Nayarit - NAY
Nuevo León - NL
Oaxaca - OAX
Puebla - PUE
Querétaro - QRO
Quintana Roo - QR
San Luis Potosí - SLP
Sinaloa - SIN
Sonora - SON
Tabasco - TAB
Tamaulipas - TAMPS
Tlaxcala - TLAX
Veracruz - VER
Yucatán - YUC
Zacatecas - ZAC
Ciudad de México - CDMX (Federal District)
Correos de México
Country information
Don’t lose your sombrero as we glide through Mexico’s address letter format.
Population information
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