Guatemala address format & examples
How to write a Guatemalan address
There is a magical lake surrounded by three tower volcanoes, traditional Mayan villages, and beautiful greenery, hidden in the highlands of Guatemala. This is Lake Atitlán, and it is only one of the many beautiful and unique natural features of this Central American country. Curious how to address a letter to Guatemala? Of course you are, and you've come to the right place. To help you, we've collected some Guatemalan address examples, as well as tools to help validate any address in the world.
Smarty is the best source for professional-grade location data. Simply enter any Guatemalan address, and you get it back formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can say "Antigua Guatemala." Address formatting in Guatemala can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using the appropriate titles for the country.
- Street and building number - List one after the other in this specific order without any separating punctuation.
- Neighborhood or area - The neighborhood the address is in.
- Postal code and city - The postal code and city go on their own line separated only by a hyphen.
- Country - This is often shortened to GTM.

Guatemala address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Alta Verapaz (AV)
Baja Verapaz (BV)
Chimaltenango (CM)
Chiquimula (CQ)
El Progreso (EP)
Escuintla (ES)
Guatemala (GU)
Huehuetenango (HU)
Izabal (IZ)
Jalapa (JA)
Jutiapa (JU)
Petén (PE)
Quetzaltenango (QZ)
Quiché (QC)
Retalhuleu (RE)
Sacatepéquez (ST)
San Marcos (SM)
Santa Rosa (SR)
Sololá (SO)
Suchitepéquez (SU)
Totonicapán (TO)
Zacapa (ZA)
Correos y Telégrafos de Guatemala
Country information
There’s a lot more information available for Guatemala’s address format, like ISO codes, major cities, etc. You can find it below.
Population information
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