Jamaica address format & examples
How to write a Jamaican address
Pull up a chair and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of Jamaica. Here, we listen to reggae music, go ziplining and swimming, eat jerk chicken, and welcome hundreds of cruise ships annually. Jamaica was the first English-speaking Caribbean country to gain independence in 1962, it is a beautiful tropical island, and has more churches per capita, making it a pretty cool place on the planet. So, of course, you want to know how to address a letter to Jamaica. As you might expect, addressing a letter to a Jamaican address can be a little tricky. If you're trying to learn how to address a letter to Jamaica, we've got you covered. You can look to Jamaican address examples for guidance on your journey.
Smarty's address validation tools for addresses in Jamaica are industry-leading. Simply enter a Jamaican address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate it faster than you can say, “Pass me a patty, please.” Address formatting in Jamaica can be written out as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Building number and street - List one after the other without any separating punctuation.
- City - This may be a town or city.
- Administrative area (similar to county) - Additional address information, such as a unit number, apartment number, floor, etc. would go here.
- Country - This is often shortened to JAM

Jamaica address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Clarendon - CLA
Hanover - HAN
Kingston - KIN
Manchester - MAN
Portland - POR
Saint Andrew - AND
Saint Ann - ANN
Saint Catherine - CAT
Saint Elizabeth - ELI
Saint James - JAM
Saint Mary - MAR
Saint Thomas - THO
Trelawny - TRL
Westmoreland - WES
Jamaica Post
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
Who says "no" to even more address data? Here's more information on Jamaica, like ISO codes, major cities, and more!
Population information
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