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SSO with Smarty setup guide

Before you start, confirm your Smarty account access

  • Only Account Owners can access and modify SSO configuration settings.
  • If you’re using SSO across multiple Smarty accounts, choose one to be your primary SSO account to hold the configuration. The other accounts will share this single SSO configuration.

Step 1: Login to your Smarty dashboard

  • Go to your Smarty account dashboard and log in with your credentials.
Step 1: Login to your Smarty dashboard

Step 2: Access the Single sign on section

  • From the left-hand sidebar, select Single sign on.
Step 2: Access the Single sign on section

Step 3: Name Your SSO organization

  • Type in your SSO organization name. (This name will be part of your login URL, so it must only include valid URL characters. You can find valid URL characters here.)
  • Select Create when you’re done.
Step 3: Name Your SSO organization

Step 4: Choose your authentication protocol

  • Select the authentication protocol you want to configure: OIDC or SAML.
Step 4: Choose your authentication protocol

Step 5: Setting up your configuration



  • Name your OIDC configuration.
  • Paste the following details from your identity provider:
    • Issuer/Domain
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  • You can adjust the scopes or continue using the default settings.
  • Select Create to save your OIDC configuration.
Step 5: Setting up your configuration

Activate, edit, or delete your OIDC configuration.

You’ll now see your OIDC configuration saved in your dashboard.

edit or delete your OIDC configuration
  • To activate, select Activate. (Once activated, all users will need to log in using SSO credentials—Smarty usernames and passwords will no longer work.)
To activate , select activate
  • Select Yes, Activate.
Select Yes, Activate.

To edit or delete your OIDC configuration

  • To edit, select Edit and update your details.
  • To delete, select Edit and then choose Delete Configuration.

You can deactivate SSO anytime by selecting the Deactivate button, which will revert authentication back to Smarty usernames and passwords.

Deactivate your OIDC configuration

That's it! You've completed your SSO Setup. If you need anything, we're here to help. You can contact support via chat, email, or phone. Monday to Friday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm MT.


  • Name your SAML configuration
  • Select Next.
Name your SAML configuration
  • Paste the following URLs from your Smarty account into your IdP SAML configuration settings:
    • Single sign on
    • Audience
    • Single logout
  • Select Next.
Select next
  • Paste the required fields from your identity provider into your Smarty configuration, either your Metadata URL or the RAW Metadata in XML format.
  • Modify the default settings if necessary.
  • Select Finish to complete the setup.
Select finish to complete the setup

Activate, edit, or delete your SAML configuration

You’ll now see your SAML configuration saved in your dashboard.

Activate, edit, or delete your SAML configuration
  • To activate, select Activate. (Once activated, all users will need to log in using SSO credentials—Smarty usernames and passwords will no longer work.) To activate, select activate
  • Select Yes, Activate. Select Yes, Activate.

To edit or delete your SAML configuration

  • To edit, select Edit and update your details.
  • To delete, select Edit and then choose Delete Configuration.

You can deactivate SSO anytime by selecting the Deactivate button, which will revert authentication back to Smarty usernames and passwords.

Edit or delete your SAML configuration

That's it! You've completed your SSO Setup. If you need anything, we're here to help. You can contact support via chat, email, or phone. Monday to Friday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm MT.

Ready to get started?