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Local API installations

If your company has strict policies in place that prevent you from calling cloud-based web services on the internet (such as ours), you may want to consider becoming an enterprise customer, allowing you to run your own local installation of our APIs. This document details some of the prerequisites for doing this and provides links to each API's specific installation process.


  1. API documentation
  2. Updates
  3. Requirements
  4. API listing

API documentation

All local installations of the Smarty APIs perform identically to the cloud-based versions hosted by Smarty with the exception that they don't require client authentication or authorization. Please refer to the documentation for each specific API for details about input and output fields.


Smarty publishes regular updates to local API packages. New releases are announced in our open-source Changelog repository.

Minimum system requirements

The process of downloading, installing, and managing a local instance of any Smarty API requires a system administrator or software engineer who has experience with the Linux operating system and its accompanying shell environment. Responsibility for network and server maintenance (as well as the performance of all installation instructions) rests with your organization.

The server provisioned to run a local API instance should match the following criteria:

  • 8 gigabytes of RAM
  • 4 CPU cores
  • A relatively recent version of the Linux kernel (basically something that can run compiled Go programs). Anything later than v2.6.32 should function without issues.

Using this hardware configuration, you can expect to process around 1,000 addresses per second per CPU core. This estimate assumes you are calling the US Street Address API, and the server has been up and running for a few minutes.

API listing

Installation instructions and minimum system requirements for each API:

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