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US Property Data pricing

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Starting at
Check mark 350+ property attributes
Check mark No credit card required


per year
Lookups per year
Check mark 350+ attributes (structural, locational, financial)

Unlimited and custom

Custom plans for your company's needs, including unlimited lookups
Choose your features
Check mark Unlimited lookups / year
Check mark Unlimited lookups / second
Check mark Custom legal terms
Check mark Enhanced data privacy
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How do I buy Smarty's US Property Data?

If you're ready to take advantage of Smarty's US Property Data, all you have to do is contact one of our property data pros. They'll chat with you to determine the number of lookups that fit your business needs. So, why wait? Reach out to our fantastic team right now!

Can I purchase individual US Property Data sets?

It doesn't matter how many lookups you need; we can customize a plan that works for you. Our property data experts can help you determine the best plan for your company.

Is Smarty's US Property Data available by state or county?

Smarty does not segment its US Property Data plans by state or county. We price our plans per lookup to ensure you get the best value for your company.

Can I get an unlimited number of lookups?

Smarty does not furnish US Property Data plans with unlimited lookups. Currently, we have a range of plans available from 5,000 to over 10 million lookups.

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