
International Address Autocomplete pricing

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30 days
Check mark100 lookups


per month
Lookups per month
Check markUp to 400 lookups / second


Custom plan for your company's needs
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Check markUnlimited lookups / month
Check markUnlimited lookups / second
Check markCustom legal terms
Check markEnhanced data privacy
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Can I keep the data I get from Smarty's International Address Autocomplete?

Yes, you can keep the data you get from our International Address Autocomplete. Even if you choose to end your subscription, you'll still have access to the previously entered addresses.

How does Smarty count International Address Autocomplete lookups?

Each time you select an address from the autocomplete dropdown, it counts as one lookup - the number of address suggestions we return doesn’t matter.

How does an International Address Autocomplete subscription work?

A subscription expires when the lookups or the time runs out, whichever comes first. At that moment, by default, the subscription automatically renews at the same level. There's no pause in service. You can choose to auto-renew at a different level or turn off the auto-renew altogether by going to your subscriptions page and clicking the auto-renew menu.

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