Papua New Guinea address format & examples
How to write a Papua New Guinean address
It's a diver's paradise! Papua New Guinea is home to crystal-clear waters and so many coral reefs that the biodiversity alone could compete with the Galápagos! You'll want to rent your snorkeling gear ahead of time, and you can mail in your downpayment if you know how to address mail to Papua New Guinea. This page is to help you do just that. Below you'll find examples of addresses for Papua New Guinea to compare your address format against.
We recognize that in the age of technology and AI, there's a good chance you'd rather let technology do the work for you. You can use Smarty's tools to simply type in the address data you have and get the correct address format back. You'll get the right mailing address format and lots of other data that you'll likely find valuable. Just enter an address, and it’ll be returned formatted, standardized, and validated faster than you can say, "Show me the Papua New Guinea address format." Using the correct Papua New Guinean address format looks like this:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
- Building - The building name or number first.
- Street and unit number - The street is listed next, followed by the unit number.
- City, postal code, and administrative area - City or town the address is in, followed by the postal code and then the local administrative area.
- Country - The country can be shortened to PNG.

Papua New Guinea address examples
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Bougainville - BR Central - CP Chimbu - CH East New Britain - EB Eastern Highlands - EH Enga - EN Gulf - GU Hela - HE Jiwaka - JI Madang - MD Manus - MN Milne Bay - MB Morobe - MR New Ireland - NI Oro - OR Sandaun - SA Southern Highlands - SH West New Britain - WB Western - WE Western Highlands - WH
Post PNG
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
From the dense rainforests to the remote highlands, proper addressing is key to ensuring your letters and packages reach their destination. Make sure to follow Papua New Guinea’s correct mailing and street address formats for a timely delivery! Whether it’s for business or personal correspondence, the right format makes all the difference in this linguistically and culturally rich nation.
Population information
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