New Caledonia address format & examples
How to write a New Caledonian address
You might not have noticed it, but Geoff Mack mentioned New Caledonia in his 1959 song "I've Been Everywhere." So, obviously, the question we have to ask ourselves is, did he know how to write a New Caledonian address? I sure hope so.
If you want to know how to write a New Caledonian address, or if you're just looking to learn how to address mail to New Caledonia, then you need look no further. Below, you'll find address examples, a detailed description of the mailing address format, and let's be real, confidence that your mail will get to where it needs to. So, without further ado, here's the mailing address format for New Caledonia.
- Addressee line – The recipient’s full name.
- Building number then street name – The street name comes after the building number on this line.
- City - The city or town that the address is in goes on this line.
- Country – Don't forget the country name, which can be abbreviated to NCL.

New Caledonia address examples
App 39 Res. Key West 2 Allee Laville 98800 Noumea NCL
BP 12299 98800 Nouméa
38 Rue Paul Cane 98800 Noumea
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Province Sud - S Province Nord - N Province des îles Loyauté - L
OPT New Caledonia
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
"OK, I get it; the address formats are exciting." I can hear the sarcasm. However, utilizing the available and additional address information, you can find just about everything related to New Caledonian address data! Smarty can provide loads of address data for you far beyond the New Caledonian address format, from ISO codes and latitude/longitude to major city information and address component data.
Population information
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