Madagascar address format & examples
How to write a Malagasy address
If you like vanilla—and I think you probably do—there's a good chance you got it from Madagascar. Around 80% of the world's natural vanilla comes from Madagascar, and it brings in so much capital that it's called "black gold." If you want to ship some of your vanilla to Madagascar to compare, you'll need to ensure you know how to write a Malagasy address. Luckily for you, mailing address formats are our specialty.
To help you learn how to write a Malagasy address, we've put together several mailing address examples for you to compare against and outlined the details of how to address a letter to Madagascar. (We can also help you with any other addresses in the world). If you need more help, just holler.
- Addressee line – The recipient’s full name.
- Building name – The name of the building on its own line.
- The postal code and city - The three-digit postal code and the city go on the second address line together with no separating punctuation.
- Country – Don't forget the country, which can be abbreviated to MDG.

Madagascar address examples
PO Box 33 312 Ranomafana MDG
Antananarivo Antananarivo Madagascar T 101 Antananarivo
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Postal information
Alaotra-Mangoro - A.MA Amoron'i Mania - A.MA Analamanga - A.MG Analanjirofo - A.LA Androy - A.ND Anosy - A.NO Atsimo-Andrefana - A.AN Atsimo-Atsinanana - A.AT Atsinanana - A.AT Betsiboka - B.EB Boeny - B.EY Bongolava - B.GV Diana - D.IA Haute Matsiatra - H.MA Ihorombe - I.HO Itasy - I.TA Melaky - M.EY Menabe - M.EB Sava - S.AV Sofia - S.OF Vakinankaratra - V.KA Vatovavy-Fitovinany - V.FI
Paositra Malagasy
Shoot! Looks like there isn't a national postal systems website for this location. Sorry about that.
Country information
If you're looking for more information on Madagascar for governmental or other purposes, you can find lots of additional information provided by Smarty about Madagascar. Below you'll find data such as total land area, endonyms, and population information.
Population information
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