Angola address format & examples
How to write an Angolan address
You might not know it, but Angola has a rapidly developing tech sector, especially in its capital, Luanda. You'll likely need to ship your chipset there, and so you'll need to know the Angolan address format. Don't know how to write an Angolan address? We can help you.
The Angolan address format has a simple three-line format, much like in other areas of the world. Below, you'll find several address examples to compare your Angolan addresses against and a detailed breakdown of how to address mail to Angola or anywhere in the world. If you continue to scroll down, you'll find much, much more than just Angola’s mailing address format. 1.** Addressee line **– The recipient’s full name, and don’t forget to include important titles. 2. Street name and building number – The street name is listed first on the first address line, followed by the building or unit number. 3. Municipality - The area that the address is in. 4. The city and postal code - The city or town that the address is in, followed by the five-digit postal code with no punctuation between them. 5. Country – Don't forget the country, abbreviated to AGO.

Angola address examples
Ap. 5 Rua Das Ingombot Ingombota Luanda AGO
Avenida 1 Congresso Do Mpla Ingombota Luanda
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Postal information
Bengo - BGO Benguela - BGU Bié - BIE Cabinda - CAB Cuando Cubango - CCU Cuanza Norte - CNO Cuanza Sul - CUS Cunene - CNN Huambo - HUA Huíla - HUI Luanda - LUA Lunda Norte - LNO Lunda Sul - LSU Malanje - MAL Moxico - MOX Namibe - NAM Uíge - UIG Zaire - ZAI
Correios de Angola
Country information
If you're looking for more information on Angola related to location data (again, there's more to addresses than just envelope address formats), Smarty's the place to go! Here, you can find data, including ISO codes, major cities, population data, and more!
Population information
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