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Smarty Android SDK

If you want to access our US Street Address API or US ZIP Code API from an Android app, the Smarty Java SDK can make it a lot easier. Although it is not specifically an Android SDK, it is fully supported in Android.


  1. Requirements
  2. How to get it
    1. Maven
    2. Download the source code
  3. Examples
  4. API reference material


  1. Decide to build an Android app.
  2. Make sure you are using Android API Level 19 (KitKat) or higher as your target framework.
  3. Build enough of the project to realize that you now need an address verification component.
  4. Wisely conclude that you don't want to build your own address verification component.
  5. Realize that Smarty has already created an address verification component.
  6. Congratulations! You are now ready to use the Smarty Java SDK.

How to get it


The easiest way to install this SDK is by using Apache Maven through Android Studio.

Download the source code

You can find source code of the Smarty Android/Java SDK repository on Github which contains many sample code snippets.

Use the source, Luke!


Here are a few examples showing how to use the Android SDK:

Ready to get started?