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Bulk International Address Validation Tool: List output fields

All output fields correspond to the International Street Address API Fields, but are arranged in a more useful order by the Bulk International Street Address Web Interface.

Field name Type Definition
Input fields several varchar(50) All fields from the corresponding input line.
(blank field) varchar(0) This field intentionally left blank. No, really, it's just blank.
[sequence] int Incrementing sequence number which refers to the input record number.
[verification_status] varchar(16) Indicates the verification status of the address.

None — Status not known, possibly because the address is invalid.

Partial — Parts of the address were matched (at the indicated precision level). Better input might result in a better match.

Ambiguous — The input address has more than one match within our dataset (at the indicated precision level).

Verified — The entire address was verified (at the indicated precision level).
[notes] varchar(250) Describes steps taken to verify and standardize the address and other information about it.
[address_precision] varchar(24) Indicates the precision of the address values.

None — Address not known, possibly because this address is invalid.

AdministrativeArea — Address is only verified down to the administrative area.
(e.g., typically a state or province)

Locality — Address is only verified down to the locality.
(e.g., typically a city or town)

Thoroughfare — Address is only verified down to the thoroughfare level.
(e.g., typically a street)

Premise — Address is verified down to the premise level.
(e.g., typically an individual property or building)

DeliveryPoint — Address is verified down to the delivery point.
(e.g., rooftop level)
[max_address_precision] varchar(16) Indicates the highest possible address_precision for the address.
[latitude] decimal(9,6) The horizontal component used for geographic positioning; it is the angle between 0° (the equator) and ±90° (north or south) at the poles measured in decimal degrees. It is the first value in an ordered pair of latitude, longitude. A negative number denotes a location south of the equator; a positive number is north. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
[longitude] decimal(9,6) The vertical component used for geographic positioning; it is the angle between 0° (the Prime Meridian) and ±180° (westward or eastward) measured in decimal degrees. It is the second number in an ordered pair of (latitude, longitude). A negative number indicates a location west of Greenwich, England; a positive number east. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
[geocode_precision] varchar(18) Indicates the precision of the latitude and longitude values.

None — Coordinates not known, possibly because address is invalid.

AdministrativeArea — Coordinate is only accurate down to the administrative area.
(e.g., typically a state or province)

Locality — Coordinate is only accurate down to the locality level.
(e.g., typically a city or town)

Thoroughfare — Geocode is only accurate down to the thoroughfare level.
(e.g., typically a street)

Premise — Geocode is accurate down to the premise level.
(e.g., typically an individual property or building)

DeliveryPoint — Geocode is accurate down to the actual delivery point.
(e.g., rooftop level)
[max_geocode_precision] varchar(16) Indicates the highest possible geocode_precision for the address.
[address_format] varchar(128)

A template that shows where we positioned the different address components on line 1, line 2, etc. (The format changes from one country to another.)


building | premise thoroughfare | postal_code locality

Each "pipe" character (|) represents a line break. Following this guide, the numbered address fields would be composed accordingly:

  • Address 1: building
  • Address 2: premise thoroughfare
  • Address 3: postal_code locality

This value is always blank for US addresses. Here's some additional info on the composition of US addresses.

[organization] varchar(256) The name of the recipient, firm, or company at this address. The output will be identical to the input.
[address1]-[address-12] varchar(256) If verification_status = verified these fields will contain the correctly formatted address for mailing in the relevant country, split into individual address lines.

If verification_statusverified the address fields may contain standardized address information or even the original input data.
[country_iso_3] varchar(3) The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. See our full listing for details.
[super_administrative_area] varchar(64) The largest administrative division within a country
(e.g., region in France)
[administrative_area] varchar(64) The most common administrative division within a country
(e.g., province in Canada)
[sub_administrative_area] varchar(64) The smallest administrative division within a country
(e.g., county in Germany)
[building] varchar(64) The descriptive name that identifies an individual location, if one exists
[dependent_locality] varchar(64) If there is additional information about the locality, it will be here.
(e.g., neighborhood in Turkey)
[dependent_locality_name] varchar(64) If the dependent_locality has a name, you'll find it here.
(E.g., the dependent_locality "Dong Cheng Qu" is named "Dong Cheng.")
[double_dependent_locality] varchar(64) If there is additional information about the dependent_locality, you'll find it here.
(e.g., village in the United Kingdom)
[locality] varchar(64) Within a country, this is the most common population center.
(e.g., city in Chile)
[postal_code] varchar(64) The complete postal code for the delivery point
(e.g., V6G1V9 in Canada)
[postal_code_short] varchar(64) Primary postal code information
(e.g., 90210 in the United States)
[postal_code_extra] varchar(64) Secondary postal code information
(e.g., 3425 in the United States)
[premise] varchar(64) Alphanumeric code pertaining to an individual location
[premise_extra] varchar(64) Extra information about the premise that is not necessarily authoritative but might still be useful
(E.g., in a French address, 25 bis rue Emile Zola, 91190 Gif Sur Yvette, France, the premise number could be followed by the word "bis" which would be considered premise_extra data.)
[premise_number] varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the premise field
(E.g., if premise contains "Plot 7/7A" premise_number would contain "7/7A.")
[premise_type] varchar(64) The premise type component of the premise field
(E.g., if premise contains "Plot 7/7A" premise_type would contain "Plot.")
[thoroughfare] varchar(64) All thoroughfare components combined
[thoroughfare_predirection] varchar(64) The directional prefix component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "N Main St" thoroughfare_predirection would contain "N."
[thoroughfare_postdirection] varchar(64) The directional suffix component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Main St N" thoroughfare_postdirection would contain "N.")
[thoroughfare_name] varchar(64) The name component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Main St" thoroughfare_name would contain "Main.")
[thoroughfare_trailing_type] varchar(64) The trailing thoroughfare type component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "N Main St" thoroughfare_trailing_type would contain "St.")
[thoroughfare_type] varchar(64) The leading thoroughfare type component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Rue De La Gare" thoroughfare_leading_type would contain "Rue.")
[dependent_thoroughfare] varchar(64) All of the dependent thoroughfare components combined
[dependent_thoroughfare_predirection] varchar(64) The directional prefix component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_predirection would contain "N.")
[dependent_thoroughfare_postdirection] varchar(64) The directional suffix component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "Main St N" dependent_thoroughfare_postdirection would contain "N.")
[dependent_thoroughfare_name] varchar(64) The name component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_name would contain "Main.")
[dependent_thoroughfare_trailing_type] varchar(64) The trailing dependent_thoroughfare type component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_trailing_type would contain "St.")
[dependent_thoroughfare_type] varchar(64) The leading thoroughfare type component of the dependent_thoroughfare field
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "Rue De La Gare" dependent_thoroughfare_type would contain "Rue.")
[building_leading_type] varchar(64) The leading building type component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Bloc C" building_leading_type would contain "Bloc.")
[building_name] varchar(64) The name component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Westminster House" building_name would contain "Westminster.")
[building_trailing_type] varchar(64) The trailing building type component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Westminster House" building_trailing_type would contain "House.")
[sub_building_type] varchar(64) The leading sub-building type of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Flat 1" sub_building_type would contain "Flat.")
[sub_building_number] varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Flat 1" sub_building_number would contain "1.")
[sub_building_name] varchar(64) The descriptive name component of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Basement Flat" sub_building_name would contain "Basement.")
[sub_building] varchar(64) All sub_building components combined
[post_box] varchar(64) All post_box Post Office Box components combined
[post_box_type] varchar(64) The type component of the post_box
(E.g., if post_box contains "PO Box 1234" post_box_type would contain "PO Box.")
[post_box_number] varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the postbox
(E.g., if post_box contains "PO Box 1234" post_box_number would contain "1234.")

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