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Sawyer Hendrickson
SEO Specialist
You could say that Sawyer fell into digital marketing, but knowing what he knows now, he'd happily dive in. He works as our in-house SEO genius after plenty of years doing agency work. With a strong base in backlink building and technical SEO, he’s known now for SEO-ing the crap out of Smarty's website. When he isn’t at work, he enjoys running, cycling, swimming, or anything that gets him outside*.
*Or just sitting inside playing video games all day.
All posts by Sawyer Hendrickson - SEO Specialist
Avoid awkward moments with Smarty's accurate data
By Sawyer Hendrickson on March 18, 2024
March 18 marks a bit of an awkward holiday: Awkward Moments Day. It's a day that celebrates those times that make you cringe, moments that make you face-palm, and stories that wake you up at 4 in the morning thinking, "Ugh! Why did I do that?" Although these moments can be uncomfortable, it's helpful to remember that everyone has them, and if they say they don't … We know they’re lying. It's also helpful to remember that these embarrassing stories can help us learn and do better the next time around.