
Inside Smarty™ - Violet Brin

Violet's headshot for Smarty.
Holly Joyce
Holly Joyce
July 8, 2024

Violetta Brin (Violet) is the purple we all needed in our crayon box. Her strong presence (all puns intended since she’s ripped) is an excellent asset in our marketing sphere. Her laugh is genuine, and her kindness is unparalleled. Violet makes everyone else laugh and smile too. 

An experienced designer, Violet adds the right touch to make our site and its components stand out meaningfully. 


As a child, Violet wanted to be a spy or a secret agent for the FBI. The appeal of being behind the scenes and pulling off cool things drew her in. But, as she grew up, Violet realized that she loved drawing for fun, discovered she wasn’t “actually completely hopeless,” (her words, not ours) and went for it as a career path. We’re glad she made the leap.

Before coming to Smarty, Violet worked for the startup company Airin where she was able to hone her design skills. 

What resources do you use to stay current in your job skills?

I keep my skills sharp using Adobe Creative Cloud and various apps on my iPad like Procreate. I nerd out while creating quirky and funny designs and videos, and these tools help me stay ahead of the game.

Picture of Violet smirking and tilting her head to the side

What or who inspires you, and why?

I draw inspiration from various artists on Behance, Dribble, Instagram, and TikTok. Additionally, watching shows and experiencing cool things in real life spark my creativity.

What are some common challenges you face at work?

Handling multiple high-priority projects simultaneously can be overwhelming. Fortunately, I have Brandon (another Smarty designer) to rely on, making the workload more manageable. My key strategies for facing these challenges are being open and helpful. Having a sense of humor helps too.

What are some of the most valuable lessons you've learned?

The most important lesson I’ve learned is always to do my best work because the future is unpredictable. However, I’ve also realized the importance of balancing work and life to avoid burnout.

Speaking of burnout, we asked her about her most useless talents. 

Picture of Violet leaning against a wall.

Do you have any completely irrelevant skills or talents?

I can deadlift and squat 315lbs, do both splits, speak four languages, and make dad jokes in awkward situations. 

Talk about a powerhouse of talent! I’m tired just writing that sentence. Did we mention she’s ripped? But Violet’s not tired, and she actually feels energized during a good gym rat session. She also feels energized from traveling and reading a good fantasy book.

What life advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

You're doing well. Stop stressing. Also, buy real estate and bitcoin.

See? We told you she’s funny. 

Violet standing next to the ocean with the sun behind her

Violet’s unique blend of creativity, strength, and humor makes her an invaluable part of the Smarty team. We’re lucky to have her on board, bringing her quirky and fun spirit to everything she does!

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