Cass vs. NCOALink certification article now live

We get a lot of questions about USPS CASS certification and how it differs from NCOALink certification. They are both methods of address validation that originate with the USPS. While they look the same and smell the same (probably), they are in fact, very different. Even still, these methods are frequently confused, conflated and equated. So, we decided to cut the confusion and answer all your burning questions about CASS and NCOALink.
Here is some of stuff that future you (who has read the article) already knows:
- When you notify the USPS that your address has changed, NCOALink only hangs onto those updates for 4 years.
- In order to use NCOALink you must submit a minimum of 100 addresses for validation at a time.
- To become CASS-certified, vendors must score 100% accuracy on 150,000 addresses for delivery point coding, eLOT (Enhanced Line of Travel), DPV or DSF2, RDI, and Perfect Address.
Learn all this and much more by checking out the Cass vs NCOALink article here. Future-you will be so proud!