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David Padeken
David Padeken
Customer Success Manager

Beginning his career in customer service as a poolside cook and groundskeeper at a country club, David has always been caring for people his entire life. He's worked in sales for over ten years, and enjoys getting to know people and matching them with solutions that solve their problems. A man of many hats he's lifted the Support team, the Sales team, and now the Customer Success team with his bubbly personality, empathetic interactions, and person to person expertise.

All posts by David Padeken - Customer Success Manager

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By David Padeken on September 27, 2023
It's often said you need two skills to find love: sales and marketing. You need marketing skills to present yourself well and gain the attention of the person you want. Then, you need sales skills to lie like you're the devil himself. But what if you aren't conventionally attractive and (like the sales team at Smarty) aren't willing to lie? To compensate, you'll need to dial up your marketing; we're talkin' data automation, streamlined & integrated data systems, time-saving and cost management, eliminating human error, and workflows like crazy.

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